Wheat nourishes more people than any other grain crop and has been the primary bread grain for thousands of years. Wheat is high in protein, carbohydrates and a number of other nutrients, and it can be stored as a whole grain for a long period of time. The benefits of freshly ground wheat include superior nutrition and flavor, especially if the wheat is locally stone-ground.
A kernel of whole wheat contains significant amounts of dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins B complex and E, traces of vitamins C and K, and a wealth of minerals and micro-nutrients, according to McGill University's Ecological Agricultural Projects. Fresh, stone-ground wheat maintains all the nutritional benefits of the fresh whole wheat kernel. High-speed commercial roller grinders heat the wheat as it is being ground, destroying the vitamin E content and other valuable enzymes. Milling to create white flour also greatly diminishes the wheat's nutritional content, since most of the vitamins and minerals are found in the fiber-rich wheat bran and germ. B vitamins, lipo-proteins and other nutrients in wheat are lost over time in storage, especially if the ground wheat is stored where light and air can reach it. Flour should be stored in an airtight container at temperatures less than 85 degrees Fahrenheit to maximize its nutrient preservation, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension.
No Rancidity
Once exposed to light and air by grinding, whole-wheat flour rapidly goes rancid. White flour is only good for 6 to 12 months at room temperature, and whole-wheat flour for 1 to 3 months, according to the Washington State University Clark County Extension. When buying commercial ground flour at a supermarket, there is no assurance as to when it was milled and how long it spent in shipment and storage, so it may already be well on its way to spoilage. Rancid white flour may simply taste flat and be lacking in nutrients, but rancid whole-wheat flour will impart a bitter, unpleasant flavor to baked goods.
Freshly ground wheat won't have the rancid, flat or bitter flavor of stale wheat flour. Freshly ground wheat has a lively, nutty flavor. Coarser stone-ground flour has bigger particles that provide texture to breads and pizza crusts and also retains more of the earthy taste of the whole kernel of wheat. Over time, as stored whole wheat or white flour loses its nutrient quality, it also loses flavor. However, some bakers prefer aged or bleached white flours, which remove the nutritional carotenoids that give fresh flour its golden-tan hue, as this gives breads a lighter texture and high rising volume, according to the Utah State University Cooperative Extension.
Local Foods
Freshly ground wheat is usually obtained from local mills or from small custom mills in other locations via mail order. Locally grown and processed foods are not only fresher and taste better, but purchasing local foods also boosts the local economy and minimizes the amount of petroleum expended to transport the food product from field to table, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension. Consumers are increasingly interested in purchasing meat, produce and dairy products that are identified by their farm of origin, according to England's Farmers Weekly Interactive. Flour labeled with its origin allows you to better know how fresh the product is and assess its growing methods before you make your purchase.
Wheat is the most concentrated source of Vitamin E in nature.
Whole grains are known to lower cholesterol (Despite what Dr. may say)
Help prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Help prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Help prevent Cancer
So before you buy another sack of this (below) consider trying something a little new; talk to someone local first (Like us : D) and taste the wonderful difference between rancid and fresh! :)
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