Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Tomatoes - so good! - so good for you!
I was eating a tomato sandwich today, made with fresh, local, ripe, juicy tomatoes, and Oh' it was so good. So I felt a little inspired to give the little guys their due credit : )

1. Tomatoes are high in Lycopene. Which is credited for lowering blood pressure, possible, halping to prevent cancer, and reducing your risk of heart decease.
2. They are high in vitamin C - high like as in 57.3% of what your body needs daily.
3. A good source of vitamin A.
Vitamin A fights cancer by inhibiting the production of DNA in cancerous cell.
Stroke victims who have high levels of vitamin A in their systems are less likely to die or suffer disabilities from the stroke. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, are a good defense against stroke and its complications.

 SO EAT UP!!!!!
P.S just a little side note: Farmer's Market has the best, locally grown tomatoes in our area. So stop by sometime - open Monday 5:00pm - 7:00 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00am-10:00am, and on Saturdays from 7:00am-10:00am. : )